This is the story of my Marcos Mantula. Over thirty years and it’s never been driven. That’s all about to change.
The build re-commenced in September 2014. It won’t be a quick process as I have to undo quite a lot before I can move forward.
This is the story of my Marcos Mantula. Over thirty years and it’s never been driven. That’s all about to change.
The build re-commenced in September 2014. It won’t be a quick process as I have to undo quite a lot before I can move forward.
Hi mate,
I’m a kit car builder in Australia, and I help other people with their projects too. I’m originally from Cornwall, and I own a Dax Rush V8. I’ve got a thor inlet, and I was hoping you would share the CAD file for the single to twin throttle design that you’ve drawn up?
My email address is attached below.
Hi Treeve,
Yes I can share the CAD file for the Thor inlet. However I have come to realise that there is a serious flaw in the design. It needs a balance plenum between the two throttle bodies because the current design would be too restrictive. I’m going to draw that up in a few weeks. After that I will share the design with you.
Hi Ian,
I have just had to remove the engine from my Mantula due to the engine freezing up and popping the core plugs, damm , now hoping the blocks ok. what i was interested in was looking at your pictures you managed to get the engine out with the mounts still attached, when i tried that the entire car lifts and the mounts wont release from the chassis,do you have a special technique or does it just come out with enough force? . I like the look of the inlet manifold in my case i have just added a megasquirt for the fuel and ignition and can recommend a much more aggressive advance curve for the ignition, transformed the engine response. Good luck with the rebuild my chassis needed major surgery.
Hi Colin,
For the engine mounts, I simply cut a shallow V in the chassis mounting plate. This will be kept stable by a bolt-in closing plate. When I was originally building the car I was forced to take the engine out several times due to clutch operation problems. I found it really tricky and potentially dangerous to unbolt the mounts from the engine first.
Thansk for the nice comment regarding the inlet manifold. I may have to discard that as I need to join the two plenums according to Rover V8 folklore!
Hi I am trying to 3d print a Marcos Mantula for a friend (he has one) I was wondering if you could supply me with a 3d model of the car if possible?
Hi Sam,
I plan to do the same thing once I’ve scanned the body lines, but this won’t be ready for a few more months. The chassis drawing is almost complete and I’ll be sharing that soon. Let me know if you do find a good 3D model of the Mantula bodywork it would save me many hours!